3 min readDec 23, 2020


“Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey”. This statement summarizes the mindset of young, enterprising, and dynamic NOLE VIP: Zaid Abdulraqeeb Mohammed Al- Jammal, whom we know as Mr. ZAID.

Introducing the NOLE VIP: Zaid


Zaid hails from the capital city of Yemen called Sana’a. A sovereign state in the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen is a nation with many cultural and historical treasures. It was the seat of ancient advanced civilizations. Although today the country suffers from many economic, political, and social issues, it was one of the wealthiest Arab nations in the past. Although the country faces many issues in modern times, it was known as Arabia Felix in the past. The term means “fortunate” or “happy.” It was called so since Yemen was more fertile than most of the Arabian Peninsula. The mountains of the country invited rains that contributed to flourishing agriculture in the region. The region, therefore, supported a stable population for centuries. Jewish silversmiths from Yemen were well known for their excellent craftsmanship. Yemen Is also Home To the World’s Oldest Skyscraper City, Shibam, a city of about 7,000 inhabitants. The city is famous for its ancient mudbrick high-rise buildings. About 500 such houses occur in the city with some being as high as 11 stories. These high-rise buildings date back to the 16th century. Thus, Shibam is often called the “Manhattan of the Desert.” Sana’a is the capital city of Yemen. It is one of the world’s most ancient cities that is still inhabited. Sana’a is also the country’s largest city. Interestingly Sheba was an ancient kingdom that finds mention in the Quran and the Hebrew Bible. Sheba was the home of the biblical “Queen of Sheba” a figure that has been mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. According to popular beliefs, the kingdom of Shiba was based in modern-day Yemen.

Zaid was born on the 21st of April in the year of 1996, while most of the teenagers across the globe spend time studying and playing, Zaid had a challenging teenage as the country went through a disastrous civil war and political unrest. To make the matters worse he, unfortunately, lost his dad when he was just 15 years old. Since he was the elder most in his family comprising of his mother, 1 brother, and 4 sisters; he took charge of his father’s business to support his family’s livelihood. Along with managing the business he continued to pursue his studies and graduated with a degree in pharmacy.

During his college days, he also worked as a pharmacist in community pharmacy and subsequently worked as a clinical pharmacist in a hospital in Yemen. After completing college he started working in a logistic company and Medical importer company while simultaneously taking care of the family business too.

Zaid likes sports, movies, reading books, and traveling (which he can’t currently because Yemen War, he hopes the war stops soon, and then he plans to travel a lot).

Zaid joined the main NOLE group a few months back and Annepan helped him with more information. He admires what the Nole team does with charities and hopes he will spread NOLE Charity in the Middle East with the Arabic community. Zaid currently also supports the NOLE project by managing the Nole Arabic group and in a short span of time has been able to build a community of 3000+ members.

Zaid’s life is a living testimony of facing challenges head-on and never giving up. This strong mindset which he has built up at such a young age is truly inspirational. The attitude of positivity and working on solutions rather than being bogged down by problems is what makes Zaid a winner. We at #NoleFamily wish Zaid a very happy, peaceful, and prosperous life ahead.

Author: Debasish


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