New: NoleCoin VIP Partnership Program

4 min readOct 22, 2019


NoleCoin: VIP Partnership Program

Author: Debasish Das

For us at NoleFamily; VIP stands for Very Integral Part of our family. We consider our VIPs as co-creators and co-owners of the project. In our Endeavour to continue this feeling, we are very pleased to announce that 1% of the total NoleWater (AMSK) raised in the NoleLegends economy will be shared equally will all our VIP Community members.

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We firmly believe that the key to Financial Freedom is creating assets that can produce residual cash flow. So for all our VIPs, your VIP CARD is going to be your asset which will entitle you to a share of the game turnover on a monthly basis. As the game grows; simultaneously your income will also grow.

Here is a snapshot of the projected AMSK pool which will be distributed among the VIP members.

The above projections have been made with a pessimistic viewpoint and we expect to deliver much better output. Even if we consider the worst-case situation a pool between 21 million to 84 million will be available to be distributed exclusively among the VIP members.

In nutshell every NoleLegend sold across the globe, every AMSK used to water the plants, every AMSK used to buy the tools etc will contribute towards this VIP partnership pool.

What do you need to do? Just sit back, relax and enjoy the passive income; no string attached.

Simultaneously the more you help us build the game, share your feedback, give us ideas to improve, share your experience around, the more you help the VIP partnership pool grow and we co-create an epic game that will last for generations.

Here is a detailed explanation of how the consumption projections have been arrived at:

With the October update coming up the complete NoleLegends economy will be moving to $AMSK.

Presenting below is a snapshot of the consumption pattern we can expect in the coming months.

The above-mentioned projections have been made with a realistic perspective so as to give our players and investors an overview of how the demand will shape up in the coming months. This will help all the readers access our progress and also make calculated investment decisions. The pricing of AMSK will be determined by the market Supply and Demand and the NoleLegends Dapps will ensure the use case of AMSK within the game creates the required demand.

Few Important points to note in the above-mentioned projections:

⦁ It is based on a pessimistic viewpoint that all players buy and maintain ONLY 1 SEED ( in real life the count of seeds bought by players is expected to be more)

⦁ We have taken a safe assumption that 88.5% of the players buy only low-value seeds(Dwarf,Hawnthorn)

⦁ 8 Billion $AMSK will be locked till Jan 2021.

⦁ The Player Count growth will be triggered by:

⦁ Promotions by our VIP supporters and community members.

⦁ Referral program.

⦁ Registration on Dapp Sites.

⦁ Listing on Exchanges.

⦁ Influencer campaigns.

⦁ YouTube Videos and promotions.

⦁ Marketing campaigns.

⦁ Partnerships.

Below is a quick snapshot of how the Year 1 Consumption will shape up at various efficiency levels:

Further, 5% of the game economy will be sent to Burn Address thus contributing towards the valuation.

Our Endeavour for the next 1 year will be to provide :

⦁ A great gaming experience for our players.

⦁ An automated process of raising funds for philanthropy.

⦁ A sound investment platform that can provide consistent cash flow and good gains in portfolio valuation.

Read more About NoleLegends:

