4 min readAug 8, 2019

NoleCoin Briefing: 8th August 8, 2019

Greetings NoleFamily! The last few days have been very exciting and filled with loads of activities across domains. Since there is so much happening right now, we thought to share a quick summary for our dear community members so that you do not miss out on any important information, fun or event.

New charity event in Bangladesh for the people in need

Charity Fundraising: Continuing with our core philosophy to use blockchain for the philanthropy domain we have arranged another event to raise funds for children in Pada Harbaid, a flood-ravaged zone in Bangladesh. The funds will be used to provide essential food and clothing for the residents and kids of the village & simultaneously arrange a football match for the kids to have a fun day out. We are also grateful to Team PlayGOC who are contributing 50% of their trading fee for this event and Team LoveHearts who have donated 75000 LoveHearts tokens for the cause.

If you wish to participate in this noble cause, pls click:

NOLE chart on:

PlayGOC-Nole Trading competition: We have an ongoing trading competition running from 2nd August 2019 to 9th August 2019. There is a Big bounty of 10000 $NOLE tokens up for grabs and will be shared among the top 100 traders on the platform. The response so far has been overwhelming with daily volume crossing 50000 $NOLE in the last couple of days.

If you wish to participate and stand a chance to win, pls click:

Token Swap: As most of you are aware we are undergoing a complete rebrand to make the services more scalable and automated, one of the key changes is migration from TRC10 to TRC20 token: Now NoleCoin will be a TRC20 token with 6 decimal precision making it easier to trade on book order exchange. Also now smart contracts will be executable on NoleCoin thus making it future-ready for Dapps.

In case you have still not swapped your TRC10 MSK tokens to TRC20 to NOLE tokens pls do so at the earliest at

Website Rebranding: The website has undergone a complete rebrand with updated video, logos, and tabs. Please do take out some time to have a look and share your feedback and suggestion.

NoleLegends: an Online MMO game on the Tron (TRX) blockchain. #NOLELEGENDS #TRX

NoleLegend ISO: The new upcoming Dapps is nicely coming to life. The whitepaper is 80% ready and will be released soon. This will help you better understand the game philosophy, characters, and economics. The early adopters will be the biggest beneficiaries. The ISO page is live now where the first 1000 LegendSeed holders will also gain exclusive access to Beta version of the game and also start gaining XP from now itself the SEED holders will also be rewarded with a great amount of $NOLE for participating in the early stage.

You can collect your seeds at

Make sure you are connected and logged in to TronLink.

VIP Brand Ambassador Bounty: In continuation to our Endeavour of providing an entertaining and rewarding platform The Brand Ambassador program is live and will continue till 18th August 2019. The current top 10 VIPs are:

For more information about the V.I.P room, you can contact @chevkev on Telegram.

The bounty details are:

YouTube Updates: There are a couple of brand new videos updated on Youtube.

⦁ CryptoTone: Taking about the role of blockchain in charity, Trading competition, NoleLegends:

⦁ NoleCoin: A sneak peak at the development of NoleLegends:

⦁ NoleCoin: A feed from a village in Bangladesh:

Giveaways: There are few cool giveaways running live, give it a shot.

Dividends: The next NoleCoin monthly dividend will be calculated on 10th August 2019. Don’t forget to have 100 or more NoleCoin in your wallet.

Please feel free to share your feedback and suggestions. The coming days are going to be loaded with fun, excitement and spreading happiness. Together let’s make the world a better place.

Let's stay in touch!


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