NoleCoin Economic Vision 1.0

4 min readAug 22, 2019


Here is a quick brief of how we plan to increase the valuation of $NOLE. The most important aspect of a blockchain economy is use-case i.e greater the usage of a coin/token in real life, the higher will be its valuation. In our Endeavour to enhance the value proposition team NoleCoin is constantly thinking and implementing ways to increase usage. Here is a list of NoleCoin Use-cases:

⦁ Dividend Token: We wanted to run NoleCoin on the philosophy of PoS (Proof of Stake) protocol where the community earns basis the holding of the coin/token they have. TRON also follows PoS protocol. The PoS concept is implemented in Nole ecosystem by the virtue of NoleWater dividends. Every community member who holds NoleCoin gets monthly dividends as per the below-mentioned grid.

So anyone Holding 100 or more NoleCoin gets a dividend for every coin held basis the multiplier mentioned above. For eg someone holding 10000, NoleCoin will get 200000 NoleWater tokens every month. To further enhance the value of the dividend received; amazing use-case for NoleWater is been built simultaneously through the upcoming Dapps where the underlying currency for the complete game will be NoleWater. As the game expands its player base the dividend valuation will increase further.

Further, it is of great incentive to the NoleLegends players to hold NoleCoin and receive dividends as they will be able to use the NoleWater received in the game for various purposes like watering the plants, buying legend seeds, buying spells, etc. The short term goal is to have 25000 people playing the game within 12 months of game launch! (Currently 112 Players on

⦁ Philanthropy: The core philosophy of the NoleCoin project is to use blockchain in the domain of Charity and NoleCoin acts as the underlying currency for the initiative. People across the globe can contribute to the charity of their choice in just a few seconds by using the $NOLE token. Team NoleCoin has already conducted 3 successful fundraising events and at the time of writing this article is in the process of executing its fourth article. As the awareness spreads about NoleCoin Project transparency, ethics and caring heart more charities will get onboard.

⦁ NoleLegends: While the currency for NoleLegends will be NoleWater there will be few surprises like a superpower or an amazing new limited edition legend available through NoleCoin.

⦁ NoleCoin Support: It is a new upcoming service where consumers can buy execution or consultancy services like Smart Contract set-up, Swap Tools, Marketing, Whitepaper writing, etc in exchange for NoleCoin.

⦁ Merchandise: The merchandise section is like now on the official website- and a lot of cool stuff can be picked using NoleCoin. This section will keep innovation and expanding as we progress.

The total supply of NoleCoin is ONLY 1 MILLION, that’s even less then what Bitcoin has. The Vision is to have 10000 users of the dividend system i.e holding a minimum of 100 tokens each. Once this happens not only with the valuation grow exponentially but also the complete supply will be in circulation. TRON ecosystem currently has about 3.5 million users out of which once 0.3% of them understand the value proposition of holding minimum 100 NoleCoin Tokens we together would have achieved the first stage of our Vision. Considering the basics of supply and demand the valuation can grow anywhere from 2X to 100X.

If you already holding NoleCoin then pls spread the word around and help your friends gain access to minimum 100 NoleCoin; if you are not holding any NoleCoin this is where you can buy it from->

Lets stay in touch!

📌Briefing May:

📌Briefing June:

📌Briefing July — August:

📌NoleWater briefing:

🎗Latest charity event:

➡️ NoleCoin (NOLE) — TRC20 contract adress:

➡️NEW: Upcoming NoleLegends Dapp:

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