NoleCoin x 2019
A walk down the NOLE memory lane, Thank you for following us by the way!
Greetings Nole Supporters and crypto believers!
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As we approach December winter with Christmas and New Year celebrations are coming up, we thought to look back and review what we have achieved in the past year. This is done with an Endeavour to see what went right, what went wrong and what did we learn from it to make the future for our NOLE community better. Time really flew past last year and while we were doing this assessment we realized the journey has been really fascinating. From a community of 10 Members on October 2018 to a community of 8000+ supporters,285 VIP subscriptions and 850 Players registered on our DAPP, it has been a roller coaster ride. We also realized that many of you joined us on the way and may not be aware of what happened in the past. So we thought to present all of you a quick chronological recap of the year gone by. Sit back, grab a coffee and enjoy this quick 5-minute walk ……down the NOLE memory lane.
September 2018: This is when it all began! Chevkev (CEO of Project Nole) who is a big fan of Mr. Elon Musk and Mr. Justin Sun got inspired by the philanthropic activities of Elon Musk and got fascinated by the blockchain revolution been created by Mr Sun and combined the 2 into a TRON Project called KsumNole (ElonMusk spelt backwards). The project kicked off in Guild chat to stimulate the network transactions for TRON and TRON SR’s, and in October last year Chevkev decided to explore telegram and from there, things started to grow.
October 2018: The telegram community gradually started to grow and few members volunteered to join the team as admins.
November 2018: This was when things started to shape up and team launched its first initiative: The VIP Partnership program. The first lot of 50 VIP lifetime memberships was offered at a cost of 1000 TRX. From here on the journey of forging lifetime friendship began and we started to witness a bunch of people willing to support the project and believe in the concept of philanthropy.
For more information about the V.I.P room contact: @chevkev on Telegram.
December 2018: Work got serious, the website got upgraded with team and VIP info on it and WhitePaper V1.0 got released. This was the time when the idea of paying dividends came up in the team chat and led to the birth of the NoleWater token.
January 2019: Kicked off with a promise to the community that the project is here for the long term and supporters/believers of the project will be the biggest beneficiaries in the long run. From here onwards every initiative thought of and designed by the team always keeps the community at the core to ensure a win-win situation is created. In line with this thought process ‘VIP Goodie Bag’ concept was launched, VIPs were handed over exclusive VIP cards. This was the month when the Telegram Trade room was created and bounties launched.
February 2019: Team started to scout for philanthropic projects and sent out communications to some big players of the domain. When we didn’t receive any response we thought to take things in our hand and started to find execution volunteers and after some effort we got access to few excited individuals from Bangladesh who were willing to execute the philanthropic deeds. The background work to execute our first ever philanthropic deed started. This was also a historic month because it marks the birth of NoleCoin dividend program which has been one of the key highlights of the project and been running successfully since then. Back then the dividends were payed manually and I remember Chevkev used to have an excel list of monthly qualifiers and used to tip the dividend amount to them on telegram or manually transfer it to their holding wallet. It continued like this for quite some time till few months back when we started to use our in-house bot : NoleBot developed by Hesam.
March 2019: Was a historic landmark in our journey when we successfully executed our first philanthropic project which used blockchain to raise funds and deliver food and clothing to 40+ kids in a poor village of Bangladesh. This also led to enormous support from the community and our VIP Partners started to share video testimonials. March also is important because it marks the birth of now famous ‘VIP Bounty Program’. This is something which was we feel tried for the first time within the TRON eco-space and has helped us strengthen our bond with our community. Towards the end of the month we also launched the first initiative for NoleWater called ‘Project Karma’ to incentivize people going good deeds.
April 2019: Was the start of new financial year and team created a vision of how to deliver bigger and better value and experiences to the community. This was the month when the idea of having our own Dapp cropped up.
May 2019: This month kicked off on an exciting note where we ventured into a partnership with Ellipal and they were pleased to offer cold wallets to our community along with KsumNole logo and a special discount. Philanthropy activities moved ahead at full throttle and this time we were able to raise bigger funds and conduct our second philanthropic event by providing food and essentials to the people of flood raven village in Bangladesh. This attracted the attention of even Mr Justin Sun and we got a retweet from him. May was the month when we also collaborated with EMS Token to grow our communities cohesively.
June 2019: This was the beginning of new era in the journey when we rebranded and became what you know of us today: NOLE. KsumNole was rebranded as NoleCoin and we upgraded from TRC10 to TRC20 protocol. This month is also remembered for the huge increase in telegram chat activities due to token swap. This was also a memorable month because the idea of NoleLegends dapp was presented to the VIP Room who welcomed it with open arms. The month rounded off with a marketing collaboration with the TRON ATM project.
July 2019: We marked our official entry into the TRON Dapp domain by launching the ISO (Initial Seed Offering) of NoleLegends and achieving the SoftCap.
August 2019: We brought blockchain into the sports domain by launching Football Philanthropy. The concept was based on not only providing financial help but also a platform for people to spread happiness. The ISO sales of the NoleLegends Dapp went closer to achieve the goal of 1.2 Million.
September 2019: This month marked the official 1 birthday of project NOLE where events were conducted and our community members were able to win nice giveaways. September would go down into the history books as the month when NoleLegends ISO achieved the HardCap well before the set deadline (a testimony of the immense level of trust community has on the project and team). NOLE also got listed on thePlayRoyal Exchange this month.
October 2019: Nole Project was involved in philanthropy act of ‘Helping REMI’ a kid in USA suffering from a rare disease. Token listing expanded to TWM and the NoleLegends platform had its legends unveiling and starting the Beta launch. Another historic development marked for this month is the move of the dividend program from Monthly to Weekly payouts.
NoleCoin Vault was announced which freezes 50% of NoleCoin and 80% of NoleWater supply till 2021
November 2019: The Dapp development moved ahead at full throttle in spite of a few challenges like Government crackdown in our developer’s country etc. Baby legends started to gain traction, Transfer Asset tab got activated. NoleWater had a listing on PlayRoyal. But the 2 most important things that happened this month are 1. VIPs were officially announced as partners and co-owners of NoleLegends and 1% of the total game economy was announced as a future monthly income source for them.
2. We officially made an entry into Turkey by executing philanthropic the chess tournament #PoweredByTRON.
As we move ahead the future looks promising and exciting. At this point we would also like to thank all our supporters for having made this journey so exciting and enriching. What is up next? NOLE x Future
We take 0 % from our donations and if you want to support the cause of NOLE and the project you can hold a minimum of 100 $NOLE in your TRON wallet and earn weekly dividends which you can spend in our DAPP or have fun on 1 of the 10 games on
Thank you community, in the next article: The Future of NOLE we will explain our complete roadmap of 2020, what is coming up, which changed we are going to make sure our current users get the most benefit out of this exciting journey.
A Big shoutout to team members, community helpers, supporters: Michael, Yek, Vlad, Joshua, Bulent, Jovial, BFG, Momchill, Guyver, Tray, MattyDaddy, MattyBell, John, Kitty, Taz, Olya, JD, HeadShoot, Nienke, Annepan, Superhuug, CryptoGirl, Nemo, Crypto_Fanatic, Ray, BugsTrap, Turgay, John, Rosso, and many of you for making this dream a reality.
Next article: NOLE x Future